To show my gratitude to all of you, I will be featuring some of your snaps too.
When your eyes rested on your snaps for the first time, didnt it evoke the awe - "Hey, Did I shoot this?" Well we want you to share those snaps for others to feast on it. Let this series be a forum to exhibit your photographic skills.
Expectations from you:
1. You should hold the copyright to the snap. In simple terms, you should have shot it.
2. You are responsible for the content of the shot. Herein you certify that all the required permissions were already obtained. If it was shot in private premises, obtain owners permission. Avoid portraits. If not then you need permission from the person whom you are shooting.
3. You should be willing to release the snap under
Creative Commons Attribution License. 4. Some editing here and there is ok. But dont drastically alter it with softwares.
5. Send your photos as attachments (Inline photographs are compressed by Outlook).
6. Due to size limitation in both my company's bulletin board as well as in the image file servers, I will be forced to compress your image to a size of 90k. So expect loss in resolution.
Sorry if that sounded too formal but in short - make sure that nobody has any issues if you share it with others. A simple test - If the photo is acceptable by your mother, then we dont have any issues either ;-)
This series is as much about quotes as it is with photos. So try to pick a theme too before you shoot. It might be a prize winning photo but remember there is an ordinary mortal sitting at the other end, trying to think of a matching quote.
Now that you have read all the way down till here, you can send your photographs to "baejaar[at]"