Monday, April 25, 2005



Quote: Diana Robinson
Photographer: Dheepak Ra

A tense cricket match and a pensive captain - Senthil, struck me enough to capture this moment. Its a different issue that I was in the same team which lost it :-(

I didnt have the heart to edit the natural fading blue light which was captured in those evening moments in Chennai.

Meanwhile thanks for the emails regarding the accident. As you saw in the Baejaar, we are fine. Infact we have more writeups this time from Neel Arurkar in his blog: Almost Always the Truth

- Dheepak Ra


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good photo. How did u manage to blur the sides? Paint?

4/29/2005 1:41 AM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

Thanks. As you guessed this was done using software only. But definitely not using Paint. I used GIMP - an open source software for image editing. It has a steep learning curve but its worth its weight in gold.

4/29/2005 2:40 AM  

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