Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Fishing sudasudacoffee filter coffee blog

Quote: Many men go fishing their entire lives without knowing it is not fish they are after
Author: Henry David Thoreau
Photographer: Arun Ramachandra

I was just browsing through my hard disk when I noticed this nice snap sent by Arun last year. That reminded me that there are quite a few snaps contributed by visitors and colleagues which I havent posted yet. So let me start with this.

Thanks Arun for the snap.

Dheepak Ra


Blogger Unknown said...

nice snap... and I liked the words more than the snap :) very true..

2/08/2006 3:28 AM  
Blogger Devilish Angel said...

Well said...

2/08/2006 3:55 AM  
Blogger Random Impressions said...

Only y'day my friend was relating this joke about a chap who is fishing when a friend walks by & asks why he is fishing. Our guy says that he's doing that so that he can catch lots of fish, sell them for a profit & buy a small fishing boat.From those profits, he'd buy a fishing ship and then a own a whole fishing empire. Slowly he would diversify into maybe agriculture, IT & so forth.
"Then?" asks the friend.
"Then" says or chap "I will retire & come here & fish all day"
The friend is a bit amused & says "Arent you doing that already?"

2/08/2006 8:46 PM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

Thanks Prasad.

Vanathi, I am afraid I cant pass on your compliments to Henry David Thoreau :-)

Amarjeet, This one is oft quoted during speeches. In fact there are several variants of it floating around and the jist is the same. I wonder who wrote this originally but its good and true to this day.

After all dont they say "If you love your job then you will never have to work again" I am the living proof for it :)

2/08/2006 9:21 PM  
Blogger SonSon said...

That is going to have to rate right up there with my favorite quotes.

2/10/2006 11:24 PM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

I have admired Thoreau a lot - particularly for his essays.

2/11/2006 5:43 AM  
Blogger Prithi Shetty said...

That's a great quote.
Thanks for digging it out.

2/13/2006 3:00 AM  

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