
Quote: What you do may seem insignificant, but its important that you do it.
Author: M.K.Gandhi
Photographer: Dheepak Ra
This is from Ambala - the old city which seems to revolve only around an Airforce base and the DAV college. I think I was the only tourist in that town last month but then those mundane places have a charm of their own ;-)
- Dheepak Ra
The quote is very true - but I could not correlate it with the pic. Help here pls.
some how I am not able see your blog properly in linux...using Mozilla browser...i have seen this problem with some other blogs too..
I seriously envy really travel yaar...
wow...beautiful pics..sunset is beautiful..
take care
God bless u !
nice shots
The gazing of buffallo all the time might seem mundane but its the reason for its existance...
Nice pic...Beautifully shot
I see the buffalo's insignificant act as another smaller part in the bigger food chain of animals.Couls be insignificant but it is definitely needed for a bigger benifit.
2050 A Journey!
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how come no updates??
A comment from the Timber industry? Web'log' is fine, but this is taking things too far ! :)
Vry true.......its important to do n most important thing is to do it for u....just for u...
ur videoblog is too good esp the captions.....
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